The Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge
In a very special part of our hearts, our memories are stored. We treasure our beautiful memories that travel between past, present, and future.
Bed and Bone Too has had the good fortune to share in many dogs’ lives. We want to thank all of you who have shared your best friends with us. We cherish our past memories and relish in the memories we are making today. We would like to invite you at the time when needed to bring your memories to the future at Bed and Bone Too. Our friends will remain in our minds and souls forever. We take heart that this can be as healing and comforting to you as sharing their memories to the future.

The previous Bed and Bone Too website was illustrated with my two standard poodles, Teacher and Bro, guiding you through. In creating a new website, coming to the realization that this part could not be included was unsettling for me. Thus, I have added a few pictures of what they did for the website and Bed and Bone Too. To be able to put this in a place I can always go to and look at was gratifying to me. Loss is filled with layers of complexities that are the actual foundations of the angst, disillusionment, anger, and sadness we feel. Sometimes we need a guide to help us cope. I’ve been trying to write and trying somehow, in my own small way, to make others feel less alone.
Take good care of yourself. I’m thinking of you.
Your friend,

A Message from Teacher and Bro
Hello! My name is Teacher, and this is my brother Bro. We are the Bed and Bone Too Inc resident dogs. We love our visitors and can’t wait to meet you. Please follow us as we guide you through this website.

Teacher: Say Bro; what word do you recommend using to ready dogs for Bed and Bone Too Inc?
Bro: I think words like camp, adventure, or trip work well because they all fit Bed and Bone Too Inc.

Teacher: Days at Bed and Bone Too Inc are fun and memorable. We celebrate holidays, host birthday parties, and develop games and special times for our friends.
Bro: So remember; as you plan your vacation or want your puppy to have a playground while you work, everyone at Bed and Bone Too Inc is here for you both!

The Journey
About Teacher
I would like to share a piece of my journey alongside Teacher and Bro with you. It has been a magnificent journey.
Teacher and Bro were brothers born two years apart in Litchfield, MN. Their father was an elegant black standard poodle named Degana Cole Porter. Their mother was a beautiful white standard poodle named Swags Tradewind of Degano. I am eternally grateful to them.
Teacher’s first two years were nothing short of interesting. Bed and Bone Too Inc had already been established, giving him endless days with friends. I can remember the joy of watching him play with all his friends. As one by one would tire out and take a nap, Teacher continued to play. He had imaginary friends that continued to keep him amused. Eventually, his imaginary friends and his many real friends merged together, keeping Teacher very busy. Through extensive testing, it was discovered that his imaginary friends were real to him. With the help of phenobarbital for seizure control, he lived a long life with all his friends in harmony.
His statuesque appearance was reminiscent of a brave gladiator. His name had a double meaning. His predecessors Smokey (a silver Standard Poodle) and Bandit (a black and white Dalmatian) were the founding fathers of Bed and Bone Too Inc and left some large paws to fill. They opened my eyes to realize that if you are ready for it, dogs are amazing teachers. Through them, I learned so much about myself, life, and interactions between dogs and dogs, dogs and people, and even people and people. I knew any dog coming into my life following Smokey and Bandit could only be another educator for exciting possibilities. Also, Teacher inherited the role of official greeter, team player, and all-around guidance counselor. He was a Teacher.
About Bro
And then along came Bro. I called him my forever teenager, which he proudly lived up to. I believe Bro wanted to pattern himself after his big brother. In Bros’ mind, that meant being a tough guy. The first expression of that was nipping men in their back jeans pocket. After reimbursing a few men, Bro and I had a discussion.
Thus, emerged a sportsman of much acclaim. Rabbits, frogs, and snakes held his attention. He never hurt them. He just followed them anywhere. He often fancied himself in high black shiny boots consisting of rich black mud. “Enjoy life” was definitely his motto. And when you are named Bro (short for Little Brother) and have a Teacher as an older brother and a mother who continues to introduce you to new friends, the world is good.
As Teacher continued to revel in his time with his imaginary friends, it was decided that Bro should have his own friend. Hence came Ana. Today, Ana is a 12-year-old Bengal cat. She has been a constant companion to Bro or as constant as a cat can be. She went into hiding the day Teacher and Bro left, something she had never done before. She is back now and is my sweet little companion. Yes, I believe animals mourn.
My Assistants
As many of you know, Teacher and Bro were my willing assistants as I drove through the city, picking up and returning dogs to their homes. Teach was very busy during our rides. Until we reached the hustle of city traffic, he would watch and turn his head for every oncoming car we would pass. Motorcycles and bicycles were the best. They even deserved a bark.
Bro began his assistant role as a puppy sleeping between the two front seats. He continued to consider this aspect of his life his naptime. Hunting is exhausting work, you know. He did lift his head for a Harley, though.
Saying Goodbye
The final year of the Teacher’s life was fragile yet spirited. His will to live and strength in doing so were an inspiration to anyone who watched him. Equally as the loyal bond that Bro had with his older brother as he continued to stay by his side.
Sometime in June 2013, Bro was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor. He began daily doses of prednisone. Life becomes a little blurry for me at this point. I watched on a daily basis as the Teacher continued to show strength, and Bro slowly lost strength. On July 18th, the Teacher, like an abrupt change of wind, quit getting up and quit eating. I realized that this incredible Teacher, with the guidance of God, was instructing me to let them go before Bro felt any pain. They left this world peacefully in their own home with their heads on my lap. Yes, one of the greatest gifts you can give your dogs is by far the hardest to give.
Even though it was tough this past month, nothing could compare to what it felt like when they left. My heart hurts. It has been a week, and I couldn’t have written any of this until now. Amazing. Once I started, I felt like writing forever. This is not only healing for me. I realized that even though they are gone, there is so much of them to treasure and share.
I truly believe they would want me to acknowledge and thank all of you for the part you played in their lives. I am so grateful for the help and support I have received. I am thankful to those that, despite your own grief and sorrow, gave me someone to lean on when my own failed.
Losing our animals can be so difficult, yet remembering and celebrating their lives can be so very rewarding. We are meant to be saddened to be followed by reaching out and feeling the warmth of others.
There are eight fewer paws gracing the grounds of Bed and Bone Too Inc, yet there are eight more paws playing in that grassy knoll with many of our friends holding pieces of our hearts. See you at the bridge.